Category Archives: Tech

Swapping crap reality for virtual reality

Oculus Go

I’ve tried a few virtual reality (VR) experiences over the years, from headsets to full-motion simulators seating a dozen people. All had struck me as fun, but none had tempted me to invest in my own kit.

But let’s face it, actual reality isn’t much cop at present, so if there ever were a time to dip a toe into the virtual variety, this has got to be it, right … ?

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The great website migration begins (updated)

I’ve had a blog since long before the term was first coined. began in 1997 as a few hand-coded pages. Yep, in those days you had to use a text editor to create each webpage, and you’d begin something like this:

<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″>
<title>Wot I dun in my summer holidays</title>

Over the years, the site has evolved in various ways, but a combination of factors has made it harder work to update – and these days, blogging sites make it super-easy.

I did abandon plans to transfer the whole existing site over to WordPress, so am now using this for my very occasional random posts. Travel blogs will remain here on the main site, and my tango blog can be found here.